Friday, September 2, 2011

Blue Artifice Deck

Lengkapi Koleksi kartu ANDA !!

Blue Artifice Deck


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Red Crown Deck

Lengkapi Koleksi kartu ANDA !!

Red Crown Deck


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bicycle Pirate Deck

Lengkapi Koleksi kartu ANDA !!

Bicycle Pirate Deck 
available 2 colors : black and white

2 deck = 350

Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pemenang Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Pemenang Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

 Sebelumnya saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para peserta yang mau berusaha dalam mengikuti perlombaan ini. semoga magic di indonesia semakin maju dan berkembang

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bicycle Svengali

Lengkapi Koleksi kartu ANDA !!

Bicycle Svengali ORI bukan china


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Pertanyaan Seputar Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Beberapa Pertanyaan seputar Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable From Card

Battle Magic Kartu Mania : The Unbelieveable From Card


Tujuan diadakannya lomba ini adalah untuk memotivasi para magician dalam card magic di indonesia untuk mengembangkan diri dan berani untuk menunjukan hasilnya dan hadiah digunakan sebagai stimulus untuk menambah semangat berlatih.

Ketentuan :

1. Tema lomba kali ini adalah "The Unbelieveable From Card". Artinya, para peserta diharapkan mengirimkan trik magic yang mengagumkan dan menampilkan "kemustahilan" dengan menggunakan kartu sebagai media utama

2. Jenis Kartu yang digunakan dalam kompetisi kali ini harus berupa kartu remi.(DiperBOLEHkan menggunakan Gaff maupun Gimmick )

3. Kategori Magic yang digunakan bebas namun harus close up dengan kartu.

4. Trik dikirimkan dalam bentuk video yang sebelumnya diunduh / diupload pada situs youtube.
5. Harap tulis dari mana trik anda berasal. Apakah merupakan pengembangan dari magician lain, ataupun ciptaan anda sendiri (jagalah etika sebagai seorang magician).

6. Video Harus diisi dengan background music

7. Setiap peserta HANYA BOLEH mengirimkan 1 video saja


8. Formulir paling lambat dikirimkan pada tanggal 30 April 2011 ke

9. Peserta Yang telah mendaftar akan dipostkan di Blog ini beserta dengan foto dan videonya sesuai dengan yang tertera pada form yang telah disediakan

10. Penilaian Video akan dilakukan pada tanggal 1-3 Mei 2011 dan hanya akan dipilih 1 juara

11. Pemenang akan diumumkan pada  dan pemenang akan dikonfirmasi secara langsung dan videonya akan di POST kan di Halaman utama sebagai pemenang Lomba

Friday, April 29, 2011

Peserta : Akahito Fuchida

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card  

 Nama : Akahito Fuchida
Facebook :
Video :

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Peserta : Duniavern

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

Nama : Duniavern (Anwar Saiful)
Video : the green cards
card flourish with some card changes


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Sentinels Deck

Lengkapi Koleksi Kartu  anda !!


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Peserta : Christoper Calvin

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

Nama : Christoper Calvin
Video : 

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Peserta : SMC Sudi

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

Nama : SMC Sudi

Facebook :

Video :

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Peserta : Yana Triward

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Nama : Yana Triward

Facebook : Yana Triward

Video :

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Peserta : Michangelo

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Nama : Michangelo

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bicycle The Dog

Lengkapi Koleksi Kartu  anda !!

Bicycle The Dog deck

Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
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Promo Arcane White + Black

Promo Kartu Arcane White + Black
Lengkapi Koleksi Kartu  anda !!


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
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Thursday, April 21, 2011


 Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bicycle Centurions

Lengkapi koleksi bicycle ANDA !!

Bicycle Centurions


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Deck One

Lengkapi Koleksi kartu ANDA !!

Deck One


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Peserta : Izal Tangkup

 Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

Nama :  Izal Tangkup
Facebook :
Video :

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Peserta : Ryan Yoga Pratama

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Nama       : Ryan Yoga Pratama
Facebook :
Video       :

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Peserta : David Rohadi

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Nama : David Rohadi

Facebook : ( David Rohadi )

Sumber trik : mendapatkan trik setelah melihat permainan Abu Marlo 

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Peserta : D'LaN

 Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Nama       : D'LaN
Facebook :
Video       :

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Peserta : Ivan Ace

 Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card

Nama       :  Ivan Ace
Video :

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Peserta : Amry Hanz

Peserta Battle Magic : The Unbelieveable from a Card 

Nama            : Amry Hanz

Facebook     :

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Mind Twister

Korek api diputar bisa ikutan terpelintir??

anda pun bisa melakukannya !!

Mind Twister


Hubungi :

Erfin Fox
Pembayaran Via BCA
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Jc Jay

Name : Jc Jay

Origin : Jakarta

Date of birth : 25 - 9 -1988

Facebook :

Info : Hi, my name is Jc Jay,

I had known magic since 6th grade, that’s because of my school needed an amateur magician to perform in their event. That was the first time I called to come up to the stage and plays some magic with the magician. From that moment, I love magic. Because for me, magic is unique and could entertain people through our skills.

And a year later, at my 7th grade I learned magic to a magician called Samlawi which is also one teacher from Indonesia, Adri Manan. But unfortunately, I learned that there only a few months since he died. Then I stop for a year from learning magic.

When I started my junior high class 3, I start again my hobby and my junior high farewell party was my first magic performance in front of hundreds of other students, really impressive.

Then I continue to learn magic by myself, I buy magic books and watch magic videos as my reference. I save money from my pocket money because those kind of books are not cheap. And so on until I get my money from playing magic and share the revenue with my sister and parents to show that my hobby could make some cash.

In the end I met with my childhood idol of magic that is Dui Montero in 2008 that introduced by Adera at an event and I joined them in the magic community called Montecarlo.

Luckily, after a few months I joined them I got 2nd place in championship competition of close up in Magic Cafe in April 2009 then 2nd place in Classic Competition in June 2009, at that time one of the judges is Danny Cole from America. Those achievements make me really happy at that point and I dedicate the cup to my parents and club Montecarlo.


Currently I work as a team of Rhomedal Aquino together with Dui Montero as a magic consultant. Although the current competitive world of magic is very strict and sometimes unhealthy, I tried to be neutral and still want to promote magic in Indonesia in order to compete internationally.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Botax Red

Name : boTaxRed

Origin : Jakarta – Bintaro - Indonesia

Date of birth : 24-11-1986

Facebook :

Info : Berawal dari menyukai seni sulap yang sering ada ditelevisi,sejak jaman MR.Robin dan Pesulap yang sekarang seperti Demian Aditya.namun hanya bisa menikmati tanpa bisa belajar karena harga Les dan toko Sulap waktu itu masih sangat jarang, namun banyak masukan dari teman-teman kalo mau belajar sulap coba buka-buka internet atau youtube.namun menyukai sulap lama kelamaan menjadi hobi,setiap pulang sekolah selalu menyempatkan waktu ke warnet untuk download video-video tutorial rahasia-rahasia sulap.seiring waktu sejak 21 Agustus 2008 mulai banyak ilmu-ilmu yang mulai didapat apalagi saat saya membuka toko sulap dikawasan bintaro,makin banyak ilmu-ilmu yang didapat. Sekian lama menjaga toko hanya ilmu-ilmu itu saja yang didapat dan suatu saat saya ketemu Rolly Malau dimana dia adalah murid dari Dui Montero. Sangat banyak ilmu yang diajarkan oleh Rolly Malau kepada saya,yang paling penting dari pengajaran yang diberikan itu sangat luar biasa. Permainan Stage seperti Classic atau Classic Modern yang sama sekali tadinya Tabu kini sudah bisa saya pahami.sekian lama perjalanan lomba-lomba dan show bersama Rolly Malau akhirnya kita berdua berkesempatan untuk ikut Pertandingan di Malaysia (International Magic Extraveganza 2009).walaupun kemungkinan juara sangatlah kecil namun sebuah pengalaman dan ilmu yang didapat dari sebuah pertandingan International itulah sangat bermanfaat.

Hal yang sangat saya ingin saat saya sudah memasuki dunia seni sulap adalah menjadi seorang pesulap yang professional,namun memang sangatlah susah membuat diri sendiri seperti professional.namun semua itu tidak ada yang tidak mungkin “Mencoba,Berupaya,dan Berusaha untuk meraihnya” itulah motto yang sudah terukir didiri saya.
Sedikit saran buat para pesulap-pesulap Indonesia yang sekarang sedang mendalami atau menuntut ilmu magic “buatlah semua ini menjadi Sebuah Seni Sulap” jangan karena kepentingan pribadi mengatakan semua ini menggunakan sihir/setan/jin/atau apalah….
Salam Seni Sulap dari saya boTaxRed

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Maximillian Carl

Name : Maximillian Carl 
Origin : Jakarta - Indonesia 
Info: Maximillian Carl is an general magician, card flourisher, and skeptic. Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, raised in Semarang, Indonesia, and now he stayed in Jakarta, Indonesia.

He first became interested in Magic at the age of 8 when he's watching David Copperfield's "Flying", and innocently follow the choreo of what David did, while he wish that he can fly too.

He start learning at the age of 18. And became a full-time magician at the age of 19.

In 2007 is his 1st performance on a small chrismast party. He's so nervous and happy. He just think is a good start from him.

In 2008 He open his own Magic Shop and start performing close-up magic. and at September, 2008 he decided to left Semarang, moved his magic shop and start performing there. Yes, he moved to Bali.

In 2009 He start learning stage magic. His first stage-illusion performance in front of Mr. Takanobu Ito (the seventh President & Chief Executive Officer of Honda Motor). And his career as an "General Magician" starts here.

In 2010 He open his 2010 with his New Year's eve stage performance in front of Mr. Aburizal Bakrie's Family (The Indonesian and Asian Richest People).*Globe Asia Magazine

In 2011 He decided to left from Bali and stayed in Jakarta. He works for IMS (International Magic Society) Indo and Corbuzier School as a Consultant, Teacher, and still performing magic for off-air or on-air event.

Steve Marchello

Name : Steve Marchello

Orgin : Bandung - Indonesia

Date Of Birth : 03-06-89

Facebook :

Info : I loved magic since childhood ..... I really enjoyed watching the magic show on tv ... during my junior high school I started buying magic books, bought some magic equipment .. but then I did it just a hobby .... went to high school I began to seriously pursue magic ... and I started to join a community of magic that is MAGIC CASTLE .. there I began to be introduced to the world of professional magic ... beginning of my career is a mentalist, and close up magician ... I often fill in school events, sweet seventeen, etc until someone introduced me to Mr.ROBBIN (ALM) he is a legend of magic Indonesia .. an international magician from Indonesia ... From there I started to go to school ... named his magic magic art studio ... there I began to recognize the magic that I wanted to do since childhood, which I often see on tv that is classic magic and illusion .... 

I learned a lot from him .. not just a trick, but the art of speaking, stage arts, history of magic, etc ... since that time I studied classic magic and illusion ... and that is when I became a professional magician ... show at various events, shows in tv, etc ... and in 2006 I was out of the magic art studio ... and began to pursue a career until today ...

from 2006 until now I won several magic competitions .. among others:
- bandung magic competition 3rd place 2007
- 3rd place yogya magic competition
- champion a dove and card manipulation
- won a national magic competition 2009
- won a national magic competition 2010
and in 2011 I became the top 12 best magician asia

Patrick Kun

Name : Patrick Kun

Origin : Bangkok - Thailand
Date of Birth : 1 - 10 - 1987

Web :

Info : 

I started magic about 7 years ago (about 2004) after watching some magic show on TV such as David Blaine and David Copperfield. I then started to do some research and found a magic store and starting buying stuff to learn from there. i  moved to Iowa for high school in United States, Since Iowa does not have that many magician, I have to teach myself to perform magic and I think that's what make me success today to be able to think differently from others. 

In the past, I have done kid show, restaurant work, wedding. I performed on National Television in Thailand 2 times doing street magic and promotional for one of the largest phone company.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Maxi Deli

Name : Maxi Deli.

Origin : SUMATRA, now live in JAKARTA - Indonesia

Facebook :

Date of Birth : 10 - 1 - 1985

Info : Since I was a little kids, I do love ART very much… but in fact, I am just an ordinary kids, I have a same dream with another kids, I dream that someday I will be a doctor, or a teacher, or a astronaut… but honestly, I am just a kid with average intelligence… so I think twice, and I think I will be the same like my father… and yes he is a hard worker (I very proud of you Dad)… Okay, back again to the topic… First time I see -an Art that we call “MAGIC”- is in 1998 (I was 13 years old), and I saw it from television, The magician bend a metal spoon only with His Mind Power… and since that I think I fall in love with this “special ART”. I start to learn simple trick (I remember the first trick that I learn is the rubber band trick ), because I am just a little kid so I need a day by day and week by week to do one trick very well. 

I never think that I will going this far in this -MAGIC ART-. I start my professional performance in 2005 “I remember I got IDR 75.000 ”, in 2006 Mr. DUI MONTERO ask me and my magical friend “Rolly Malau” to join -the first and the biggest Magic Show in JAKARTA- called “MAGIC WORLD” @WTC Mangga Dua (sorry it’s a name of a place so you cannot translate it into “Two Mangoes” ) . in 2007 I stopped all my activities in magic, because I must concentrate to do my Final test in my University, and Thanks to God, I pass it… so, here I come again magic … in 2008 I do a lot of small show, from “PANGGUNG 17-an” until “YARIS SHOW-OFF CONTEST” (yeah, enough for me to get extra money to keep survive in JAKARTA CITY ). 

In 2009, I get a big chance to write a book “MEMBONGKAR RAHASIA SULAP”, and I do my best until this book is finish… (and now you can buy it at GRAMEDIA BOOK STORE, it’s not expensive, the price only IDR 45.000 and Thanks a lot for buying ). In 2010 I start to enter magic competition, and thanks again to God that I win some of them (lucky me )… well so far that’s the story between me and the “MAGIC”. 


Little word from the Magician “MAXI DELI” : “Hello Sir, Ma’am, Bro and Sis, my name is Maxi, I am a General Magician… and, I will do my best to entertaining you all… i combine Comedy, Cool Action, Drama, and sometimes Horor you will get all in my show on the stages, interesting right??? Believe me… MAGIC is a unique ART, its special, try to enjoy it and fell amaze with all the insane thing that happen when you watch the MAGIC.

Joe Romantic

Name : Johan Harliman

Stage Name : Joe Romantic

Date of Birth : 27 - 9 - 1985

Origin : Surabaya - Indonesia

Facebook :

Info : Pertama kali , awalnya ia hanya iseng membeli alat sulap karena melihat temannya sedang bermain sulap, lalu mencoba belajar dan menekuni sulap hingga akhirnya bisa dijadikan profesi sampai sekarang

Saat ini ia membuka magic shop dan  group show untuk acara seperti wedding, sweet 17th , dan untuk perusahaan yang menggunakan jasanya.

adapun motto yang dipegang oleh Mr. Joe Romantic adalah "Bila kita mengalami masalah, Jangan menyalahkan orang dan jangan arogan sebab itu tidak merubah keadaan". Jadi intinya adalah bila kita ada masalah atau apapun, jangan pernah menyalahkan orang lain maupun arogan terhadap diri kita karena hal itu tidak akan merubah apapun jadi berpikirlah positif dan berusaha